- Real abelian
varieties with complex multiplication. Thèse de
doctorat, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 1992
- Espaces des modules des
courbes algébriques réelles. Habilitation
à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Rennes 1,
Articles aux revues internationales à comité de lecture
- (avec J. Bochnak) When is a complex
elliptic curve the product of two real algebraic curves?
Math. Ann. 293 (1992), 469-474
- The underlying
real algebraic structure of complex elliptic curves.
Math. Ann. 294 (1992), 19-35
- On the number of components of real
abelian varieties that admit sufficiently many complex
multiplications. Manuscripta Math. 85 (1994) 165-175
- On real algebraic vector
bundles. Math. Z. 219 (1995), 335-342
- Real quotient singularities
and nonsingular real algebraic
curves in the boundary of the moduli space.
Compositio Math. 118 (1999), 43-60
- Strict uniformization of
real algebraic curves and global real
analytic coordinates on real Teichmüller spaces.
Rev. Mat. Complut. 12(1) (1999), 47-69
- Real algebraic differential
forms on complex algebraic
varieties. Indag. Math. (N. S.) 11(1) (2000), 63-71
- An unramified real plane curve
is a conic. Matematiche 55 (2000), 459-467
- Schottky uniformization of
real algebraic curves and an
application to moduli. Math. Nachr. 225 (2001), 75-91
- (avec L. Mahé)
Geometrical aspects of the level of
curves. J. Algebra 239 (2001), 647-674
- On the neutral component of the Jacobian of a real algebraic
curve having many components. Indag. Math. (N. S.) 12(1) (2001), 73-81
- Inflection points on real plane
curves having many pseudo-lines. Beiträge Algebra
Geom. 42 (2001), 509-516
- On the geometry of algebraic
curves having many real components. Rev. Mat. Complut. 14(1) (2001), 83-92
- Algebraic moduli of real
elliptic curves. Comm. Algebra 29(8) (2001), 3459-3476
- The equivariant fundamental
group, uniformization of real algebraic curves, and complex analytic
coordinates on Teichmüller spaces.
Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 10(4) (2001), 659-682
- Rino's flight around the
world in circles. Amer. Math. Monthly 109(4) (2002), 380-383
- A group law on smooth real
quartics having at least 3 real branches. J. Théor. Nombres
Bordeaux 14 (2002), 249-256
- On the number of real
hypersurfaces hypertangent to a given real space curve.
Illinois J. Math. 46 (2002), 145-153
- The exponential sequence in
real algebraic geometry and Harnack's Inequality for proper reduced
real schemes. Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), 4711-4730
- Unramified nonspecial real
space curves having many real branches and few ovals.
Rev. Mat. Complut. 15(2) (2002), 351-355
- On the enumerative geometry of
real algebraic curves having many real branches.
Adv. Geom. 3(1) (2003), 61-71
- Nonspecial divisors on real
algebraic curves and embeddings into real projective spaces.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 182 (2003) 1, 21-35
- (avec G. Fichou)
A geometric description of the
neutral component of the Jacobian of a real plane curve having many
pseudo-lines. Math. Nachr. 254-255 (2003), 126-131
- Real hypersurfaces having many
pseudo-hyperplanes. Comm. Algebra 31 (2003), 4611-4622
- Cubic differential forms and
the group law on the Jacobian of a real algebraic curve.
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8) 6(3) (2003),
- Clifford's Inequality for real
algebraic curves. Indag. Math. (N. S.) 14(2) (2003), 197-205
- Real cubic hypersurfaces and
group laws. Rev. Mat. Complut. 17(2) (2004), 395-401
- (avec F. Mangolte)
Every orientable Seifert
3-manifold is a real component of a uniruled algebraic variety.
Topology 44(1) (2005), 63-71
- The space of unordered real line
arrangements. Discrete Comput. Geom. 33(1) (2005), 157-163
- (avec M. Lattarulo) Imaginary automorphisms on real
hyperelliptic curves. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 200(3) (2005),
- (avec F. Mangolte)
Every connected sum of lens
spaces is a real component of a uniruled algebraic variety.
Ann. Inst. Fourier 55(7) (2005), 2475-2487
- (avec M. Lattarulo) Anisotropic real curves and bordered
line arrangements. Pacific J. Math. 229(2) (2007), 365-379
- (avec I.
Biswas) Rational real algebraic
models of topological surfaces. Doc. Math.
12 (2007), 549-567
- (avec I.
Biswas) Principal
bundles over a smooth real projective curve of genus zero.
Adv. Geom. 8(3) (2008), 451-472
- Modules over twisted group
rings and vector bundles over the anisotropic real conic.
Indag. Math. (N. S.) 19(3) (2008), 401-410
- (avec F. Mangolte)
The group of algebraic
diffeomorphisms of a real rational surface is
n-transitive. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.
41(3) (2009), 563-568
- (avec M. Lattarulo) The moduli space of anisotropic Gaussian
curves. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 58 (2009), no. 6, 2409–2431 (à paraître)
- (avec F. Mangolte)
Algebraic diffeomorphisms of real rational
surfaces and weighted blow-up singularities.
Manuscripta Math. 132(1) (2010), 1-17
- (avec Indranil Biswas et Jacques C.Hurtubise)
The moduli space of stable vector bundles over a real algebraic curve.
Math. Ann. 347(1) (2010), 201-233
- (avec Marc Coppens) Pencils on real curves. Math. Nachr.
286(8-9) (2013), 799-816
- (avec Goulwen Fichou, Frédéric Mangolte et
Monnier) Fonctions
régulues. J. Reine Angew. Math. 718 (2016), 103-151
- (avec Marion Candau
et Roland
Gautier) Non-commutative convolutional codes over the infinite
dihedral group. Int. J. Inf. Coding Theory 3 (2015), no. 1, 1-14
- (avec Marion Candau
et Roland Gautier)
Convolutional block codes with cryptographic
properties over the semi-direct product
Z/NZ x Z/MZ.
Des. Codes Cryptogr. 80 (2016), no. 2, 395-407
Articles aux actes de congrès
- Heights on abelian
varieties. Diophantine Approximation and Abelian
Varieties, B. Edixhoven, J.-H. Evertse (eds.),
Lect. Notes Math. 1566, Springer Verlag, 1993, 51-61
- A real algebraic vector bundle
is strongly algebraic whenever its total space is affine.
Real Algebraic Geometry and Topology, S. Akbulut (ed),
Contemp. Math. 182 (1995) 117-119
- Real Teichmüller spaces and
moduli of real algebraic curves. Real Algebraic Geometry and Ordered Structures,
C. N. Delzell, J. J. Madden (eds.), Contemp.
Math. 253 (2000) 145-177
- Correction to ``A real
algebraic vector bundle is strongly algebraic whenever its total
space is affine.'' Dans: Real Algebraic Geometry and Ordered Structures,
C. N. Delzell, J. J. Madden (eds.), Contemp. Math. 253 (2000) 179
- On components of spaces of
PSL(2,C)-representations of extended quasifuchsian groups.
In the Tradition of Ahlfors and Bers:
Proceedings of the First Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, I. Kra,
B. Maskit (eds.), Contemp. Math. 256 (2000) 203-210
- Topology of real algebraic varieties; some recent results on
rational surfaces. Real Algebraic Geometry Conference, Université de
Rennes 1, 20-24 juin 2011
- (avec Gerd Dethloff, Vincent Queffelec) Chern classes of twisted
vector bundles. (en préparation)
- (avec Ta Anh Cuong) The topology of deformations of nodal real
algebraic plane curves. (en préparation)
- Chern-Stiefel-Whitney classes of real vector bundles. (en
- On the enumerative geometry of real algebraic curves having many real branches
- Ecoulement d'un liquide à frontière mobile (d'après Varchenko-Etingof)
Dernière modification: le 12 avril 2017